I have a clothing line called DEYA. I want to make a website for my brand.
Mission of the site:
To showcase DEYA items, attract customers to buy clothes, give a sense of our branding through design, showcase our photoshoots, include our contact so that we can solve problems for our potential customers, give information on the price of the items.
Audience for the site:
Age 20 to 45
Location based in the Middle East
Middle class and upper
Content for the site:
Home: An intro video, some pictures, location, etc.
Information on items: Name, Price, Size, Color, Fabric type...
Pictures / Videos
Blog: A section to intrigue customers. It will be a new paragraph each month on fashion. For example, 'The color of 2024' or 'How to wear the DEYA skirt?'
Add to cart
Graphics for the site:
The graphics for the site will be the photoshoots already done for the brand. The website for my brand actually exists but I want to make one of my own.
Take a look at this website to see the graphics I will use:
Overall design will also be similar. It will include mostly black and white. Fonts, the intro video, places of things will change. The logo will stay the same. I want to make it more informational, interesting and elegant.
I might want to add some animations.